PinnedFlutter Soars at Google I/O Shoreline: A Developer’s Perspective to the Latest AnnouncementsDive Deep into Flutter’s Future: A Roundup of Google I/O Shoreline Announcements.May 20, 2024May 20, 2024
Manage many with MultiProviderThe “provider” package is commonly used for state management. When dealing with complex applications, you might find needing multiple…Jul 28, 2024Jul 28, 2024
Harnessing the Power of LayoutBuilder to Build Responsive UIs in FlutterBuilding responsive user interfaces (UIs) is essential for creating modern mobile applications that adapt seamlessly to different screensJun 21, 2023Jun 21, 2023
Building Flutter Layouts Based on OrientationIn the world of mobile app development, creating layouts that adapt to different device orientations is crucial for delivering a seamless…Jun 3, 20232Jun 3, 20232
So, Xcode doesn’t support your iPhone’s OS version. Here’s how to fix it.I was working on a project which was built using Xcode 12.4 due to some of the dependencies are not supporting the latest versions of apple…Jul 14, 20214Jul 14, 20214
Published inSCoRe LabMake your project documentation with JekyllHere comes the end of Google Summer of Code 2020 with the SCoRE organization and my project ImageLab.Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
Published inSCoRe LabGSoC Community Bonding Period with ImageLab and SCoReLabThis article covers an overview of the community bonding period that I experienced with my project, ImageLab under the SCoReLab…Jun 1, 2020Jun 1, 2020
Run your Flutter app on the web.Flutter the portable UI framework for building beautiful, tailored experiences, now supports the modern web.May 16, 2019May 16, 2019
Google Chrome dark mood in any android device (no root).Are you excited to know how to activate the dark mood in google chrome application which runs on your Android devices?May 2, 20191May 2, 20191
Being a Speaker at Asia’s Premeir Developer Event, FOSSASIA Summit 2019Everything started with an email, which hits my inbox on 31st of Dec 2018.May 1, 20191May 1, 20191